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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Boeing. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 18 dicembre 2013

Boeing : buy back e incremento dividendo icona

New York, 17 dic - Il consiglio di amministrazione di Boeing ha alzato del 50% i dividendi, da 48,5 a 73 centesimi per azione, e ha dato il via libera a un riacquisto di titoli propri da 10 miliardi di dollari nell'arco di due o tre anni, pari al 10% circa del totale in circolazione. Gli acquisti partiranno nel 2014.

Boeing Board Authorizes $10 Billion Share Repurchase, Raises Dividend 50 Percent
CHICAGODec. 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] Chairman, President and Chief Executive Jim McNerney announced today that the Boeing board of directors authorized an additional $10 billion for the company's share repurchase plan and declared that the company's regular quarterly dividend will increase by approximately 50 percent to 73 cents per share.
"These actions reflect sustained, strong operational performance by our businesses, increasing cash flow, and our confidence in the future," said McNerney. "Our team's relentless focus on business execution and competitiveness is providing the financial strength to continue investing in our core businesses while increasing our returns to shareholders."
The $10 billion repurchase authorization approved today is in addition to the approximately $0.8 billion remaining from the 2007 stock repurchase authorization. Repurchase activity for 2013 is complete and is expected to resume in January 2014.
"Our balanced cash deployment strategy provides increased dividends and share repurchase authorization to deliver consistent returns to our shareholders while maintaining investment in productivity and innovation for future growth," said Boeing Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Greg Smith.
The timing and volume of repurchases are at the discretion of Boeing management, however it is currently expected that the share repurchases will be made over the next two to three years. Repurchases may be made on the open market or in privately negotiated transactions.
The dividend declared today is payable March 7, 2014, to shareholders of record as of February 14, 2014.

market  capitalization: 102.11 mld
P/E= 18.05
PEG= 1.79
ROA=4.53 %
ROE=51.72 %
REVENUES = 85.14 mld
EBIDTA         = 8.28 MLD

mi sembra un po' cara ,da notare  la differenza  notevole fra il ritorno da investimento che misura
Il rendimento dei soldi investiti sulla equity del 50% e  il basso rendimento degli assets  4,53%
e con vendite di 85 mld  di dollari alla fine il risultato netto sia poco più di  4 mld di dollari